The Brother Martin Chapter of the National Honor Society recognizes students who excel in scholarship, leadership, service, and character. Members serve the school by sponsoring the Elementary Quiz Bowl and by tutoring students in need of help. Membership is by invitation to eleventh-grade students who have earned at least a cumulative GPA of 3.5 with all semester grades at a C or better and participate in the Honors Program. Membership is also open to eleventh-grade students who are not enrolled in the Honors Program with a cumulative GPA of 3.75 and have all semester grades at a C or better.
All prospective members are subject to faculty approval. To remain in good standing with the National Honor Society, members must maintain the above standards, actively participate in chapter activities and continue to fulfill all the criteria regarding leadership, character, and service as outlined in the National Honor Society Handbook.
2024-2025 NHS Executive Officers
President: Liam Enger '25
Vice President: Michael Meguerditchian '25
Elementary Quiz Bowl Coordinator: Benjamin Levy '25
Mrs. Rebecca Stroud
Mrs. Joneil Galey
Saturday, February 22, 2025
Registration Opens January 6, 2025
Registration Closes January 31, 2025