Computer Science

The Computer Science Department offers several courses that prepare students for college work and for technology use in their personal and professional lives. In addition, the department supports the CyberPatriot team that participates in national contests. For enrollment in the courses offered by the department, a student must satisfy the requirements listed below.


The Computer Science Department consists of two fully-equipped Windows computer labs utilizing solid-state drives. The graphics arts computer lab is equipped with dual monitors, Windows 11, and specialized software for animation, video editing, and game development projects.

Computer Science

Computer Science

This is a ½-credit, fall elective course that concentrates on programming in the Python language. Students in this course must have completed or be concurrently taking Algebra II. Students should have at least a B average in their high school mathematics courses or a C average in honors math courses. Students who have completed this course may not take Computer Science I Honors.

Computer Science I Honors

This course is a full-credit elective for students who have taken the Digital Media course or have completed or are concurrently taking Algebra II. Also required is a B average in each high school math course or a C average in honors math courses. Students learn to write advanced programs in the Python language.

Computer Science II Honors

This course is a full-credit elective for students who have completed Computer Science I Honors with at least a B average. The course teaches programming in the Java language to prepare students for college-level Computer Science courses. Students who do well in the course may take the Computer Science AP exam.

Digital Media
Fine Arts Survey