
What are Crusader Extracurriculars?

Extracurricular and Co-curricular activities both add to the enjoyment of school life and permit the student to develop broader insights and experiences in the academic, cultural, political, athletic, and social areas. All Brother Martin students are encouraged, from day one, to GET INVOLVED!  Students have the opportunity to join organizations that focus on community service, faith-life, academics, outdoor hobbies, competitive games, and club sports - there’s something for everyone. Holistic Education is our framework, and extracurriculars/ co-curriculars are one very important part of building that framework so that, as Brother Martin Hernandez said, “We are here not to teach boys how to make a living, but how to make a life.”

"We believe that high-quality extracurricular programs help to develop student's pride in their school and in themselves. If students feel good about themselves and about their school's extracurricular activities, there is a better chance that they will feel good about classroom work, discipline, and any other aspects of school that are necessary to develop them into the type of persons God has created them to be."
 - Educational Mission and Ministry Brothers of the Sacred Heart

Students are invited and encouraged to participate in any of the school organizations of particular interest to them.

Club Pages