The Crusader Athletics program strives to develop a student’s ability to think both as an individual and as a member of a group, to improve his motor skills, to encourage better health and physical fitness, to instill the desire to excel and succeed, to develop an appreciation of wholesome recreation, to foster high moral and ethical standards, to develop a sense of self-discipline and emotional maturity, to stress high ideals of fairness, to instill high standards of school spirit and loyalty.
Brother Martin High School abides by the Louisiana High School Athletic Association scholastic eligibility rules. In addition, Brother Martin requires that all non-varsity as well as varsity student athletes meet these standards. Brother Martin also requires that each student athlete maintain a 1.5 GPA or higher at each quarter and must have passed six out of six classes or he will be placed on probation status. If placed on probation status, he may continue to participate in the sport under strict academic supervision and with the approval of the Assistant Principal/Director of Student Formation.
To participate in the athletics program students must be in good standing in school. Students must have an annual physical examination by a qualified physician and provide the school with a certified birth certificate.
To be eligible to participate in athletics a student must meet the requirements set forth by the LHSAA. In order to participate in the senior year, a student may not be 19 years of age before September 1 of their senior year.
Students must not have competed under false names or for money or merchandise of value and must have complied with all other provisions of the amateur rule.
Students must be enrolled in school for the full year or have entered school within the first eleven days of the semester to be eligible to play during that semester. Upon entering the freshman year, students are eligible to compete for eight consecutive semesters.
A student may not participate in any type of athletics not sponsored by the school while a member of the school team or squad in that same sport. This includes city recreational teams, church teams, Babe Ruth teams, soccer select teams, etc. This rule does not apply to golf, tennis, swimming, and cross country.
All questions of eligibility should be addressed to the Director of Athletics.
Brother Martin High School maintains a strong commitment to sportsmanship in every aspect of its athletics program. It is expected that all students, athletes, and parents show respect to opposing teams, game officials and each other while attending or participating in Brother Martin High School sporting events. Anyone who violates the ideals of sportsmanship is subject to ejection from Brother Martin High School sporting events and any student who violates these ideals is subject to further disciplinary action as outlined in the school’s Behavior Policy. Expectations of sportsmanship include the following:
Director of Athletics:
Mr. Mark Wisniewski ’81
Assistant Director of Athletics:
Mr. Mark Bonis
Jr. High Athletics Coordinator:
Mr. Tre' Turner
Athletic Trainers:
Tulane Sports Medicine
Team Physician:
Dr. Michael O'Brien
Director of Formation:
Mrs. Jill Gomez
Athletics Strength and Conditioning Coach:
Mr. Jon Norris