Washington D.C. Alumni Gather for Virtual Happy Hour

Washington, D.C. Chapter members gathered for a virtual “Happy Hour” on Wednesday February 24. Advancement & Alumni Director Kenny Spellman ’84 welcomed everyone, thanked them for their participation and support, and then gave a brief history of the D.C. Chapter. President Greg Rando ’77 gave a school update and shared our Strategic Plan as we plan for the future. Alumni Officer Chris Alley ’08 discussed the upcoming Brother Martin Giving Day scheduled for March 24-25. 

If you are in the greater Washington, D.C. area and did not receive information on this event, then please contact Chris Alley ’08 at calley@brothermartin.com.

Thank you to all who participated:
John Bidol ’91
Larry Bouterie ’70
Jay Buisson ’65 CJ
Scott Cernich ’92
Mark Erath ’77
Carlos Gacharna ’86
Joe Gardemal ’84
Joe  Gulotta ’02
Ronnie Lampard ’02
Michael McCloskey ’77
Chip Saltz ’92
Emile Sander ’75
Ed Scheidt ’57 CJ

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