Sophomore Religion Classes Research Moral Issues

DSC07553Students in Mrs. Donna Maria Giambelluca and Mr. Nathaniel Peters ‘13 sophomore religion classes gave presentations on the various moral issues they face in the present-day world, with a focus on the Catholic Church’s teachings. After five weeks of examination, each student was provided an issue to research and present to their fellow classmates.

The moral issue topics included: Embryonic Stem Cell Research, Abortion, Euthanasia, Just War Theory, the Death Penalty, Same-Sex Marriage, Poverty, Genocide, Human Trafficking, Rape, Adultery, Artificial Fertilization, Adoption, Suicide, Divorce, Contraception, Drug Addiction, and Organ Donation.

Crusaders began their project in January and utilized their class time, and beyond, to define their topic. In the next step of their project, the students found teachings from the Catechism of the Catholic Church and how the Bible relates to their specific topic. Additionally, the students were required to find and incorporate trending statistics that related to their topic and argument. All of these aspects culminated in a PowerPoint presentation and public-speaking portion given during class.