St. Catherine of Siena in Metairie was the site of this year’s Spring Concert, featuring over sixty choir members. The combined beginner and advanced choirs performed Michael Praetorius’s “Jubilate Deo” and Kirby Shaw’s “Home on that Rock,” while the advanced chorus performed pieces including Zachary Moore’s arrangement of George Poulton’s “Aura Lee” and Dan Davison’s “Shout for Joy!” Soloists Alex Lucas ’16 and Andrew Butler ’18 performed their state rally superior-rated selections, and then the alumni choir, comprised of members of the classes of ’01 through ’14, performed Scott Farthing’s “Come Travel with Me” and the spiritual “Ride the Chariot.” All choirs–beginner, advanced, and alumni–came together, along with any alumni in attendance, to close the concert with “O Sacred Heart.”