Ochsner Blood Drive on Campus this Thursday!

Blood DrivePlease support Brother Martin High School & Ochsner Patients by donating blood at our semi-annual blood drive. The Ochsner Blood Bank will award one or more student blood donors from Brother Martin High School a scholarship at the end of this school year. For each pint of blood donated at one of our two annual drives by either a student or a parent, $10 will go into the Scholarship Fund.  The total amount raised at Brother Martin awarded, by ‘picking from the hat of donors’, to a senior blood donor and credited toward the college/university of his choice.

Thursday, April 12th
8:00 AM – 2:00 PM.
RSVP Encouraged.
See Mrs. Gabrielle Macaluso, in Student Services, for details.

Free:  Awesome T-Shirt, Drinks, Snacks & Feeling Great for Saving Lives!

To Apply for the Ochsner Blood Bank Scholarship visit: www.ochsnerbloodbankscholarship.org

Cassie Havrilla
Scholarship Program Coordinator
Ochsner Blood Bank
(504) 662-1053