Mu Alpha Theta Members Place in Baton Rouge Tournament

IMG_1112Congratulations to Mu Alpha Theta who competed in Baton Rouge High School’s tournament. Mitchell Quebedeaux and Fritz Newburger both earned honorable mention and the following students placed in various tests: Jeremy Baier, Hunter Mathas, Justin Levy, David Bowman and Nicola Brilli.  Great Job!

The following students earned awards:
Jeremy Baier: 1st place in Algebra 1 Individual Test
Hunter Mathas: 3rd place in Geometry Individual Test
Justin Levy: 2nd place in Geometry Individual Test
Mitchell Quebedeaux: honorable mention in Advanced Math Individual Test
Fritz Newburger: honorable mention in Advanced Math Individual Test
David Bowman: 1st place in Advanced Math Individual Test
Nicola Brilli: 3rd place in Calculus AB Individual Test