Mr. Tom Leggett Nominated by Press Club

Leggett_Thomas687Mr. Tom Leggett has been selected as a finalist in the 2017 Press Club of New Orleans Excellence in Journalism Awards for his sports feature about disc golf. This is his ninth finalist nomination in ten years with three consecutive first place wins in 2010, 2011 and 2012. His current piece called “Disc Gold Hits the Target” was featured in the July 2016 issue of Louisiana Health and Fitness magazine. The feature contains interviews from Brother Martin faculty member and disc golf moderator, Mr. Ryan Skyta and student- athlete Benjamin Chanes ‘17. Mr. Leggett  interviewed them about the beginnings of the Brother Martin disc golf club. Disc Golf is a game similar to traditional golf, but uses a disc to complete the course with the fewest possible throws. Brother Martin compete throughout the year against other area high schools.  Mr. Leggett a veteran of the English Department and the Department Chair; additionally, Mr. Leggett serves as the moderator for the Brother Martin literary magazine called The Pen and Sword.   

The finalists will be announced at the Press Club’s at the 59th Excellence in Journalism Awards Gala on Saturday, July 8, 2017 at the New Orleans Downtown Marriott at the Convention Center.

Good luck to Mr. Leggett and all finalists!

“The Press Club of New Orleans is comprised of media professionals dedicated to improving the professional skills of people in the industry. The Press Club of New Orleans strives to balance its endeavors among the profession, the educational and the social. An annual awards banquet encourages and rewards excellence in the print and broadcast media, as well as public relations.” Press Club of New Orleans

Click here to read Mr. Leggett’s piece

Click here for full list of finalists

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