Members of the Class of 2020 Reach Eagle Scout Ranking

Congratulations to these 14 outstanding members of the Class of 2020 who have reached the honor of Eagle Scout ranking!

Dominick Baroni '20

Which Troop are you in?
Troop 45

When did you receive your Eagle Scout Ranking?
October 7, 2018

Please give a brief description of your Eagle Scout project.
My Eagle Scout project was building three weather-resistant picnic tables for the Bonnet Carre Spillway. Two of the tables were for the daily use areas and the other was for Campsite 1. All three of the tables were chained and anchored to the ground to prevent theft. I managed 17 volunteers that worked for a total of 125 man-hours for my project.

Please give a brief reflection on becoming an Eagle Scout.
Becoming an Eagle was not about the rank but the life skills that I learned.

Brian Castanza '20

When did you receive your Eagle Scout Ranking?
August 10, 2019

Samuel Chanove '20

Which Troop are you in?
Troop 45

When did you receive your Eagle Scout Ranking?
October 29, 2019

Please give a brief description of your Eagle Scout project.
I built three park benches that were placed in the Bonnet Carre Spillway. One was placed at the boat launch, and the other two were placed next to the office.

Please give a brief reflection on becoming an Eagle Scout.
Achieving the rank of Eagle Scout is not easy as many know which made completing it and seeing years of hard work come together over the course of a couple months a very fulfilling experience. It is by far one of the best accomplishments of my life so far.

Jonathan Exposito '20

Which Troop are you in?
Troop 490

When did you receive your Eagle Scout Ranking?
October 19, 2019

Please give a brief description of your Eagle Scout project.
I did major renovations at St. Mary Magdalene Church such as repainting and sanding the frame to the entrance of the church, repainting a gate, pressure washing columns, benches, and walls, picking weeds, the removal of hazardous wires and PVC pipe from the ground, re-stripe caution lines on the ground, fill in holes with cement, remove unneeded fencing, etc.

Please give a brief reflection on becoming an Eagle Scout.
Becoming an eagle scout has not only taught me how to be an effective leader, but it has also taught me important life skills and how to be a successful and responsible adult.

Benjamin Hebert '20

Which Troop are you in?
Troop 70

When did you receive your Eagle Scout Ranking?
January 29, 2020

Please give a brief description of your Eagle Scout project.
I collected over 800 books and gave them to the Harry Thompson Center.

Please give a brief reflection on becoming an Eagle Scout.
My journey to becoming an Eagle Scout has made me learn so much about leadership and how to communicate effectively.

Kolbe Landry '20

Which Troop are you in?
Troop 179

When did you receive your Eagle Scout Ranking?
January 14, 2020


Jackson Long '20

Which Troop are you in?
Troop 230

When did you receive your Eagle Scout Ranking?
November 18, 2018

Please give a brief description of your Eagle Scout project.
I conducted a supply drive for Animal Rescue of New Orleans, a local non-profit no-kill animal shelter, which is dedicated to the rescue and aid of abandoned and homeless animals, who are sick, abused, and neglected. The shelter was in desperate need of all types of supplies. After visiting local grocery stores to secure paper bags to hold the supplies, I led a team of approximately 12 volunteers who distributed more than 400 grocery bags to my neighbors. Each grocery bag had a description of the project and a list of what ARNO needed. The next week, another 12 volunteers picked up the bags that my neighbors had filled with the supplies. We collected more than 123 bags filled with supplies valued at $2,000.

Please give a brief reflection on becoming an Eagle Scout.
Becoming an Eagle Scout was the culmination of a lot of hard work. I developed amazing leadership skills and made lifelong friends. Being an Eagle Scout has helped me become the person I am today.

Seth Matthews '20

Which Troop are you in?
Troop 172

When did you receive your Eagle Scout Ranking?
January 3, 2020

Please give a brief description of your Eagle Scout project.
American Flag Drop-Off Box.

Please give a brief reflection on becoming an Eagle Scout.
It was a long process that I had put off for a while and that made getting it all done quite the stressful event. However, I did finish it and it has been one of the most rewarding things I've ever done.

Jonah Montz '20

Which Troop are you in?
Troop 64

When did you receive your Eagle Scout Ranking?
September 6, 2019

Please give a brief description of your Eagle Scout project.
My project was collecting old clothing from my community in belle chasse, sorting through the clothes, and then distributing to second houses and homeless shelters across the city.

Please give a brief reflection on becoming an Eagle Scout.
Becoming an Eagle Scout is an awesome accomplishment to have obtained and looking back on my journey now, I am happy I stuck with it.

Patrick O'Neill '20

Which Troop are you in?
Troop 269

When did you receive your Eagle Scout Ranking?
December 4, 2019

Please give a brief description of your Eagle Scout project.
My Eagle project was to build a raised bed garden for St. Christopher School. The school uses it to teach kids how to plant seeds and flowers as a life lesson.

Please give a brief reflection on becoming an Eagle Scout.
Becoming an Eagle Scout was always a goal of mine and I will forever be glad that I have attained it. Less than six percent have made it to this rank, I am proud to call myself a member of that six percent.

Campbell Owens '20

Which Troop are you in?
Troop 100

When did you receive your Eagle Scout Ranking?
March 25, 2018

Please give a brief description of your Eagle Scout project.
I was in charge of refurbishing the LOOP facility in City Park. I couldn't complete the project on donations alone. I asked St. Pius X church if my troop and I could host a car wash during Mass, so when people left their cars were cleaned. The funds obtained were in a greater surplus and allowed more to be done than intended. Weeds were pulled and the grass cut to clear the way to the outhouse and only source of water. The benches were sanded and repainted with the addition of a new bench paid from donations. Trees and other plants were donated and planted, as well.

Please give a brief reflection on becoming an Eagle Scout.
It was a proud moment that my hard work had finally paid off. I was setting an example for the troop as I was their one and only eldest leader.

Jackson Quintana '20

Which Troop are you in?
Troop 55

When did you receive your Eagle Scout Ranking?
March 29, 2020

Please give a brief description of your Eagle Scout project.
For my project, I did landscaping work at Holy Name of Jesus' Parish Center for a 20-foot length between the street and sidewalk, laying a pathway of concrete pavers along the curb, installing edging, spreading fresh dirt, and planting mondo grass to cover the area. This will serve as a model for the first phase of a major landscaping project the parish wants to do.

Please give a brief reflection on becoming an Eagle Scout.
Becoming an Eagle Scout is the official accomplishment acknowledging what I have done. What is more significant to me though, is everything I have been able to experience and all the fun I have had with a good group of friends in the process of getting here.

Carson Scott '20

Which Troop are you in?
Troop 179

When did you receive your Eagle Scout Ranking?
March 25, 2018

Please give a brief description of your Eagle Scout project.
I built two cat houses, two PVC dog shower systems, and organized donations for the Jefferson Parish Animal Shelter.

Please give a brief reflection on becoming an Eagle Scout.
Becoming an Eagle Scout is, to this day, one of my greatest accomplishments, because it took over 8 years of hard work, dedication, and fortitude to achieve. The process taught me so much over the past eight years, and gave me the foundation to be a resourceful leader at facing adversity and problems throughout my life.

Joseph Wohlgemuth '20

When did you receive your Eagle Scout Ranking?
April 2020


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