Brother Martin Junior Cameron Eady recently participated in the prestigious All-National Honor Ensembles, a program that includes instruction by renowned conductors and musicians...
The NAfME or "National Association for Music Education" addresses all aspects of music education, advocating at local, state, and national levels and providing a variety of opportunities for students and teachers across the country. The NAfME hosts the annual All-National Honor Ensembles, which enables students to workshop with renowned conductors, clinicians, and musicians.
On his path to success in music, Brother Martin Junior Cameron Eady '23 first passed auditions for and performed in Senior High Honor Band and Louisiana's All-State Band, garnering invaluable experiences in musical collaboration along the way. Cameron was also accepted into a young musician's program with Carnegie Hall.
This year, Cameron Eady '23 was chosen to participate in the All-National Honor Ensembles with NAfME. Cameron spoke about how much he learned under the tutelage of conductor Dr. Travis Cross about "a strong work ethic and cultivating a joy when it comes to learning music." Cameron also learned from several guest speakers including New Orleans native Mickey Smith Jr. As a percussion player, Cameron was selected to perform the xylophone and vibraphone. When asked if these were his first choice in instruments, Cameron replied: "No, but Mr. (Christopher) Bailey '86 taught me how to play pretty much everything, so I was prepared. With the right amount of practice, any instrument can become like second nature."
When asked if he would like to pursue music professionally, Cameron mentioned that later in life he sees himself teaching music or perhaps even returning to Brother Martin as band director. "What Mr. Bailey and Mr. (Dominick) Caronna '85 have done for me, I want to do for others. In middle school, I was denied the opportunity to play because I didn't have any experience at all. Mr. Bailey and Mr. Caronna get to see the beginning of every kid's story, see that creative spark within them, and I want to eventually be the one to see that spark in others as they did for me."
Congratulations on your incredible achievements thus far, Cameron - we are so proud and thankful for you and all those who make our Crusader band so spectacular!