Family and friends gathered to celebrate the Annual Sacré Coeur Society Mass on Thursday, September 19, 2024 in the James B. Branton ’74 Chapel.
Bryce Barbaro ’17, Gifts Manager, welcomed everyone before Mass.
Father Michael Schneller ’64 SA celebrated the Mass, and Kevin Caparotta ’88 and members of our Alumni Chorus provided the music. Brother Martin Student Ambassadors and Student Ministers also assisted with the ceremony under the direction of Campus Minister Donnie Midkiff ’03.
After Mass, Bryce welcomed new families to the Sacré Coeur Society, and Bro. Bernard Couvillion, S.C. and Brother Martin President Greg Rando ’77 distributed membership pins.
Next, Chris Neubel ’99 shared heartwarming stories about his recently deceased father Scott Neubel ’69 CJ and shared why his family feels forever connected to Brother Martin High School.
To close the evening, attendees gathered in the Meyer Building foyer for a reception.
The Sacré Coeur Society recognizes and honors inspired memorial giving. The Society welcomes those members who designate gifts directed to Brother Martin in memory of a loved one. With this heartfelt gift, members of the Society strengthen their impact and connection to the Brothers of the Sacred Heart.
Sacré Coeur Society Committee: Christine Briede, Mimi Culotta, Michael Flick ’66 SA, Michelle Hennessey, Mark Romig ’74, Chris Stant ’90, Coco Villarrubia, and David Villarrubia ’70.