Members of Brother Martin’s Drama Club and Improv Troupe celebrated their year at the annual Banquet. After a catered meal, moderators Mr. David Joyner and Mr. Michael Lynn presented awards to students outstanding in their abilities and their service to the club. This year’s officers were recognized, and next year’s officers were introduced.
Additionally, the moderators announced next year’s slate of productions: Twelve Angry Men, Grease, The Importance of Being Earnest, and Little Shop of Horrors. Congratulations and thank you to all Dionysians!
Members of Brother Martin’s Drama Club and Improv Troupe celebrated their year at the annual Banquet. After a catered meal, moderators Mr. David Joyner and Mr. Michael Lynn presented awards to students outstanding in their abilities and their service to the club. This year’s officers were recognized, and next year’s officers were introduced.
Additionally, the moderators announced next year’s slate of productions:Twelve Angry Men, Grease, The Importance of Being Earnest, and Little Shop of Horrors. Congratulations and thank you to all Dionysians!
Members of Brother Martin’s Drama Club and Improv Troupe celebrated their year at the annual Banquet. After a catered meal, moderators Mr. David Joyner and Mr. Michael Lynn presented awards to students outstanding in their abilities and their service to the club. This year’s officers were recognized, and next year’s officers were introduced.
Additionally, the moderators announced next year’s slate of productions:Twelve Angry Men, Grease, The Importance of Being Earnest, and Little Shop of Horrors. Congratulations and thank you to all Dionysians!
Members of Brother Martin’s Drama Club and Improv Troupe celebrated their year at the annual Banquet. After a catered meal, moderators Mr. David Joyner and Mr. Michael Lynn presented awards to students outstanding in their abilities and their service to the club. This year’s officers were recognized, and next year’s officers were introduced.
Additionally, the moderators announced next year’s slate of productions:Twelve Angry Men, Grease, The Importance of Being Earnest, and Little Shop of Horrors. Congratulations and thank you to all Dionysians!
Members of Brother Martin’s Drama Club and Improv Troupe celebrated their year at the annual Banquet. After a catered meal, moderators Mr. David Joyner and Mr. Michael Lynn presented awards to students outstanding in their abilities and their service to the club. This year’s officers were recognized, and next year’s officers were introduced.
Additionally, the moderators announced next year’s slate of productions:Twelve Angry Men, Grease, The Importance of Being Earnest, and Little Shop of Horrors. Congratulations and thank you to all Dionysians!