CSPN Takes Their Show on the Road to Ben’s Burgers!

Members of the Crusader Streaming and Programming Network (CSPN) were LIVE from Ben’s Burgers in Metairie on Wednesday evening. Jack Stewart ‘21 and Joel Chategnier ‘24 interviewed members of the rugby, tennis, golf, and bowling teams, and club President, Gregory Binder ‘22, worked tirelessly behind the scenes as Executive Producer. Marc Graffeo ‘22, a CSPN team member, represented the NJROTC and updated the Crusader Nation on their recent success and what it means to represent the Color Guard.

The Crusaders were also joined by special guest, Ben Collier ‘05. Ben is the proprietor of Ben’s Burgers whose alter ego is none other than Saints Superfan, Cyborg Saint. 


CSPN at Ben's Burgers
CSPN at Ben's Burgers
CSPN at Ben's Burgers
CSPN at Ben's Burgers
CSPN at Ben's Burgers
CSPN at Ben's Burgers
CSPN at Ben's Burgers
CSPN at Ben's Burgers
CSPN at Ben's Burgers
CSPN at Ben's Burgers

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