Crusaders Invite Prospective Students for School Day Tours

30056179912_0f1ae7db7c_zOver the last two weeks, prospective male students have visited Brother Martin for a school day tour to experience a Crusader Day!

Prospective students were greeted by Assistant Principal for Admissions Mr. Carlos Bogran III ’99 who discussed Brother Martin High School and the admissions process. Students were then led on a tour of campus with a member of our Student Recruiting team who brought them into the classroom environment so that they could witness a portion of the instructional day. Later, they ate lunch in the Benson Mall and then experienced an “‘unstructured period” which allowed the prospects to learn about the advantages of our college preparatory schedule. The final part of the day was spent learning about the over 80+ extracurricular clubs and athletic programs that are offered. They also had the opportunity to question a panel of current students who spoke openly about their personal experiences as a Crusader.

There are several more opportunities for your son(s) to register for his 2016 School Day Tour. Please use the link below or contact the Admissions Office at (504) 283-1561 (ext. 3022) to schedule your School Day Tour today.

The following dates are still available: October 17, 21, 24, 28, and November 4.

Click Here for Crusader School Day Tours Registration