Nationally, the month of October is recognized as Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and at Brother Martin we are giving our students the opportunity to become ‘Crusaders Fighting Cancer’.
On Thursday, October 23rd, students who donated $5 to our efforts to support Breast Cancer Research, Childhood Cancer Research, and Lymphoma & Leukemia Research could wear a Brother Martin t-shirt and tennis shoes in place of their uniform shirt and shoes. They also placed colored ribbons on the cancer banner in the Mall as a way to show their support for a particular cancer that may have meaning to them. In honor of Cancer Awareness, the Crusaders raised $2200 that will be donated to local organizations that support Breast Cancer, Childhood Cancer, Leukemia & Lymphoma. Way to go Crusaders!
This fund drive, along with our ‘pink’ football game vs. Holy Cross last week, is a way for the entire Brother Martin community, students and faculty/staff members alike, to show their support as ‘Crusaders Fighting Cancer’.