Brother Martin Offers Complimentary High School Placement Test Enrichment to Future Crusaders

Brother Martin High School and the Admissions Office recently offered a complimentary HSPT Enrichment Class for future Crusaders...

On Saturday, December 4, Brother Martin High School and the Admissions Office offered a complimentary High School Placement Test Enrichment Class for all new Crusader applicants for the 2022-2023 school year. The students started with prayer and a brief overview of the day in the Benson Mall with Mr. Carlos Bogran III ‘99, Assistant Principal for Admissions, who explained the purpose of the HSPT Test that will be administered to all new Crusader applicants on Saturday, January 8, 2022, for High School Application Day.

“In past years, students would report to us for High School Application Day and they would walk in very nervous and uncertain about the test. We wanted to simulate test day for them by bringing them to campus, letting them see and meet other applicants, and by allowing them to sit in a desk in our classrooms to become more familiar with the testing environment. Our hope is that by offering this opportunity ahead of time, our applicants will know what to expect and will be able to perform at a level that matches their academic ability,” said Mr. Bogran. 

The day continued with Mrs. Jill Gomez, Student Formation Director, providing the students with general test-taking strategies which included her ‘10 Tips for a Successful Testing Day’. Students were then divided into classrooms where current Brother Martin Faculty members reviewed each of the 5 sections that students will be tested on during Application Day: Verbal Skills, Quantitative Skills, Reading Comprehension, Mathematics, and Language Skills. Teachers explained the directions and format of each section, and they reviewed sample questions to better prepare our future Crusaders.

We can’t wait to see all of our Crusader Applicants for the 2022-2023 school year on Saturday, January 8, 2022, for our High School Application Day. Please contact the Brother Martin Admissions Office at 504-283-1561 ext. 3022 if you have any questions.

BMHS HSPT Enrichment 2021
BMHS HSPT Enrichment 2021
BMHS HSPT Enrichment 2021
BMHS HSPT Enrichment 2021
BMHS HSPT Enrichment 2021
BMHS HSPT Enrichment 2021

We are thankful to our Admissions office and faculty for hosting this complimentary enrichment program in order to set up our future Crusaders for future successes.

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