The election for the 2018 Homecoming Court took place on Thursday, September 6, 2018. The six young ladies who will represent Brother Martin High School at our Homecoming festivities are as follows, in alphabetical order: Alyssa Branch, Elizabeth Davis, Addison Grundmeyer, Mallory Messina, Katherine Post, and Jordyn Prattini.
These young ladies will be presented to the student body at the Homecoming Pep Rally on Friday, November 2, 2018. They will be formally introduced to the entire Brother Martin community at the Homecoming football game at Tad Gormley Stadium later that night, along with the Queen of the 2017 Court, Miss Calley Blue. The 2018 Queen will be crowned at the end of the halftime ceremony. The Queen and Court will also be recognized at the Homecoming Dance at the Convention Center on Saturday, November 3, 2018, where they will be escorted by members of the varsity football team.
We thank all the young ladies who were nominated and congratulate those who were elected. The Court is a wonderful part of the history and tradition of St. Aloysius, Cor Jesu, and Brother Martin’s Homecoming festivities. We welcome all of our current Brother Martin community, as well as all of our alumni community, to take part in the Homecoming tailgate fun and the football game on Friday, November 2, 2018, as we celebrate the 50th year of Brother Martin High School!