Many of our Crusader bandsmen participated in the LMEA (Louisiana Music Educators Association) Solo & Ensemble Assessment, which is sanctioned by LMEA as being the first step in achieving All-State status as a member of an ensemble or as a soloist. Students that achieve a superior rating in this assessment are presented with an LMEA medal and are eligible to proceed to state level competition if performing a piece of music on the state list.
Most of our students participating in this event are performing music that they have been practicing since before Mardi Gras. Chosen music includes classical, movie scores, jazz, and video game soundtracks. Our percussionists are performing music written by the late Marty Hurley, a groundbreaking band director of the Brother Martin Band Program until his passing in 2011. We are pleased with our Crusaders who have taken up this challenge in the pursuit of musical excellence.