The Brother Martin Wrestling community gathered this past Saturday for their annual reunion. First, alumni, families and friends watched the Crusaders defeat Rummel in a dual meet in The Conlin Gym. Later, everyone gathered at Mopho for complimentary food and drinks. Head Coach Andrew Nicola thanked attendees for their support, encouraged them to stay connected to the program, and gave a preview of the remainder of the season. Special guests included host Chef Mike Gulotta ’98, Crusader Wrestling Club Coach Jim Casadaban ’79, 1945 & 1946 State Champion Manny Sala ’46, and 1945 State Runner-up Jimmy King ’45.
Manny Sala ’46
Todd Sitzman, MD ’82
Mike Delahoussaye ’77
Joe Gulotta ’02
Scott Kidder ‘87
The LeBourgeois Family
1984 State Champions
Gemini Chiropractic & Rehab, LLC - Dr. Aaron Theriot ’01
Matthew Cotaya ’06
Scott Oswald ‘75