Archdiocesan Recognition

IMG_0875At the conclusion of the Alumnus of the Year Assembly, Mr. Thomas Mavor, Vice Principal for Academics, and Mr. Thomas Baier, Campus Ministry, recognized the students whom the Archdiocese of New Orleans recognized as “Outstanding Youth” in their church parishes.

In addition to these students, two Brother Martin students were selected as winners of the St. Timothy Award, the highest award the Archdiocese can bestow on a young person, for their outstanding service to their community and to their church parish. This year, two of the St. Timothy Award winners were Crusaders: seniors Brad Giacone and David Miranda. Congratulations, students, and thank you for your dedicated service to your school, church, and community.

Outstanding Youth recipients are:

Morgan Minix Blessed Trinity
Grant Strohmeyer Christ the King
Kameron Zandi St. Angela Merici
Eugene Granier St. Angela Merici
Dillon Connick St. Benilde
Ryan O’Rourke St. Christopher the Martyr
Cristian Zavala St. Edward the Confessor
Fritz Newburger St. Francis Xavier
Tony Suarez St. Joan of Arc, LaPlace
Kyle Pecoraro St. Mary Magdalene
Michael Comeaux St. Philip Neri