2013 Academic Games team in Charlotte, NC, at the AGLOA National Tournament
The Academic Games team wrapped up their tournament year this past weekend by competing in the 2013 Academic Games Leagues of America (AGLOA) National Tournament in Charlotte, North Carolina. Brother Martin students in grades 8 through 12 participated in the three day long tournament with nearly 1,000 total competitors from nine different states. All tournament winners were recognized at the awards ceremony held on the evening of the final day of competition.
Taking home individual awards in their respective divisions were students: Austin Kain and Brandon Yrle (Top 10 in Propaganda), Chris Maheu (3rd Place in Equations), Nick Brilli (1st Place in On-Sets), and Joseph Arrigo (Top 10 in Propaganda, 4th Place in Presidents, 3rd Place in On-Sets, and Top 10 in Overall Sweepstakes).
Joseph Arrigo, Gabe Cespedes, and Chochy Lousteau were members of the 3rd Place Propaganda Team in the Junior Division. Brandon Yrle and Chris Maheu were part of a conglomerate team with students from Ben Franklin High; their team finished 5th in Presidents, 4th in Equations, 2nd in On-Sets, 1st in Propaganda, and were the 2nd Place Overall Sweepstakes winners in the Senior Division. The conglomerate team that Clark Wagener and Nick Brilli were a part of nearly made the playoffs in On-Sets but were defeated by the eventual winners in that game. Every team that contained Brother Martin students was recognized with either Honorable Mention or Top Finisher awards in at least one of the four games in which they competed.
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