On Tuesday, March 24, our 7th Graders began their day with a Mass in the Branton Chapel. After Mass they were divided into five groups along with two chaperones and went to the following locations to help serve the elderly in the community: Ferncrest Manor in eastern New Orleans, Chateau de Notre Dame and St. Margaret’s in New Orleans, and St. Luke’s and Our Lady of Wisdom on the west bank of New Orleans. Students that visited these locations learned about the social justice issues affecting the aging. In addition, they participated in hands on tasks that will help them better understand both the physical and mental challenges of the aging population.
This reinforces our mission of teaching students compassion for the less fortunate and volunteerism as a way of life. The residents benefited from the companionship they received through discussions and other activities such as playing bingo, assisting with exercising, and reading to residents that are bed-bound.