Despite the threat of a tropical storm, the Brother Martin Cross Country team traveled to Baton Rouge on Saturday to run in the St. Joseph’s Invitational. Chace Edwards, Michael Maldonado, and Dylan Yates raced together from the starting gun, and Dane Williams, Cobe Kirkikis, Jonathan Henneberg, Mason Williams and Jonathan Fry were not far behind as the team rolled through the mile mark with a 12 second gap between #1 – #7.
Edwards and Maldonado attacked the hills over the second mile and worked their way into the Top 10, while Dane Williams and Cobe Kirkikis surged to help Dylan with Fry and Henneberg just behind these three as they rolled past the two mile mark and into the final stretch of the race. While a lot of runners clearly did not want to deal with the elements that the rain and mud presented on the course, we used it to our advantage as we passed runner after runner in the last 400 meters. The team finished third place overall with Chace Edwards coming in 10th place and Michael Maldonado in 11th.
The team travels to Baton Rouge to participate in the Catholic High Invitational this Saturday at Highland Park in Baton Rouge and will also run in the Country Day Cajun Classic in City Park. Go ‘Saders!
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