The "First Crusade"


On their first day of school, more than 500 7th, 8th, and 9th grade Crusaders came to campus for a day of academics and Crusader spirit! In the morning, students attended grade level meetings to learn the ‘ins and outs’ of Brother Martin, as well as the history of the Brothers of the Sacred Heart. After meetings, the young Crusaders followed an abbreviated class schedule that took them through a regular school day including their Unstructured periods. Students became more familiar with their teachers, the location of their classes, and class expectations. After their class day, the fun began!

Members of each class were paired into groups, lead by the Student Ambassadors and the Student Council, and competed in tug-of-war, free throws, ping pong, and hula hoop toss, all intended to get them to know one another and to begin to form that Crusader bond. At the completion of the day, the students came together in the Conlin Gym to continue that Crusader tradition of singing the Fight Song, which was lead by the cheerleaders and Crusader Marching Band. Our youngest Crusaders will be joined tomorrow in the hallways by more than 700 upperclassmen. Welcome to the 2013-14 school year!