“The Final Chapter…” New Orleans Mom, Brother Martin Feature

Brother Martin High School was recently featured in a New Orleans Mom article. Lynda Shilling, mother of rising senior Crusader bandsman, Walker Shilling '25, wrote about their experience choosing a high school in New Orleans:

"What we didn’t know at the time he selected his high school was just how much that one decision and moment in time would change our lives forever. Brother Martin High School was the place we chose, the place my son felt was going to be his new home. His instincts couldn’t have been more spot on, and as we enter his senior year, I just can’t imagine how we will leave this place behind next May. This school has taken my son and molded him in to the best young man I could have ever dreamt up. The shy kid he was a few years ago is now a mire shadow in the past. He now stands a young man absolutely sure of himself with character that is unmatched. I have no doubt that Brother Martin, and the numerous educators he’s had during his time there, has set him up for the successful and fulfilling future he is going to take head on..."

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