Thirteen teams battled it out at Trivia Night III on Saturday night in the Benson Mall. “Team Rieger” (Sarah and Billy Rieger ’95 and Angela and Josh Thomas ’97) won the event with” Tacopedia” (Lindsey and Jacob Mayer ’03, Will Monson ’03, Vey LaPlace and Jon Frosch ’03) finishing second. Players enjoyed crispitos, sliders, pizza, and beverages while answering general trivia questions and a few Brother Martin bonus questions. A lucky winner took home some extra cash from the 50/50 and “The Craniacs” swept both of the Brother Martin bonus rounds. Miguel Sanchez ’00, James Maumus ’89 and Jeff Maumus ’97 of Challenge Entertainment and Live Trivia hosted the event.
Johnny LeBourgeois ’73
John Person ‘73
Guy Valvis ‘73
Earl Folse ‘73
Jacob Mayer ‘03
Lindsey Mayer
Will Monson ‘03
Vey Laplace
John Frosch ‘03
Leni Sumich ‘90
Henry Langhetee ‘90
The BP
Steven Quaintance ‘07
Jerry Ursin ‘07
Kayla Ursin ‘07
Nick Ursin ‘07
Faculty Et Al
Ian Supak
Christine Sanderson
Armand Pepperman ‘59 CJ
Elena Graves
Susie Newburger
Team America
Craig Zeller ‘02
Shaun Walker ‘02
Gordon Kuehl ‘00
Denis Hoerner
Polish It
Alan Thriffiley, Jr. ‘95
Alan Thriffiley, Sr. ‘71
Wayne Phillpott ‘97
Alex DeFraites ‘03
Larry DeFraites
Stephen Tucker
Brother Neal Golden ‘57 CJ
Chris Vicknair
Richard Dempsey ‘70
Team Rieger
Billy Rieger ‘95
Sarah Rieger|
Josh Thomas ‘97
Angela Thomas
Here for the Crispitos
Jimmy Ruckert ‘03
Taylor Gilbert ‘03
James Ferraro ‘01
Brett Mathes ‘00
Andrew Boyle ‘03
L Ron Hubbard and the Scientologists
Wayne Rupp ‘92
Joan Rupp
Fred Wild ‘93
Ryan Thiel ‘96
Frank McCaskell ‘81
No Clue
Mike Cappo ‘00
Matt Lambert ‘98
James Gatti
Diane Gatti
Kelly Wild
Here for the Beer
Christian Generes ‘97
Jourdan Generes ‘99
Brian Corales ‘97
Brian Boh
George Buchert ‘65 SA
If you are interested in participating in future Brother Martin Trivia Nights, please email