2024 Holiday Home Tour Registration

2024 Brother Martin Holiday Home Tour

On Saturday, December 7, Brother Martin High School and the Ladies of the Shield will host their annual Holiday Home Tour. Thanks to our generous Members, Alumni, Parents, and Friends. This year we are featuring homes in Lakeview.

Schedule and Activities

Patron Party 10:30 a.m. – Noon

Patrons will begin the day at 6919 Marshal Foch Street, enjoying delicious food and desserts from local restaurants, as our own Culinary Crusaders prepare and serve. Sip on festive cocktails of Champagne, French wine, and Espresso Martinis while listening to members of the Crusader Band playing familiar Christmas songs.

Home Tours Noon - 3 p.m.  You may begin your tour at any of the following homes, each with its own special charm.

6901 Marshal Foch Street – The scents of Christmas fill the air; Specialty Eggnog and Holiday cocktails are not to be missed at this beautifully decorated home.

6919 Marshal Foch Street – This exquisite and uniquely decorated and designed home will add to the enjoyment of the day. Champagne, chocolates, and holiday treats are ideal to add sparkle to your holiday season.

6764 Canal Boulevard – It’s Santa’s workshop indeed! NOLA Gifts, She’s Baked, Sue’s Jewelers, MM Custom Creations, and Ladies of the Shield will be on hand to assist you with some early Christmas Shopping.

318 Lane Street – This home is all dressed up for the holidays. Santa is often known to make an appearance. Full of vibrant colors and character, this home brings out all of the Highlights of the Holiday. Be sure not to miss the scrumptious appetizers and charcuterie board.


Sponsorships and Tickets

All Sponsors will receive recognition in the Holiday Home Tour Program, the Century II, and on the school’s website.

Nativity ($1,600) is our main sponsor level. The Nativity sponsor includes 20 tickets to both the Patron Party and the Home Tour as well as a special gift.

Magi ($1,400) includes 15 tickets to both the Patron Party and the Home Tour. 

St. Nicholas ($1,200) includes 12 tickets to both the Patron Party and the Home Tour.

Angel ($650) includes 8 tickets to both the Patron Party and the Home Tour.

Christmas Tree ($450) includes 5 tickets to both the Patron Party and the Home Tour.

Snowflake ($300) includes 3 tickets to both the Patron Party and the Home Tour.

Patron Tickets are $75 in advance or $80 on the day of the tour. The Patron Party ticket also includes one (1) ticket to the home tour. Holiday Home Tour tickets are $40 in advance and $45 on the day of the tour.

Proceeds from the home tour are dedicated to the Ladies of the Shield Endowment at Brother Martin.

Holiday Home Tour Committee

Bro. Carl Bouchereau, S.C., Holiday Home Consultant

Dominick Caronna ’85 and Chris Bailey ’86, Brother Martin Band

Lenee Crowley, Holiday Home Tour Chairperson

Rhen de Lanzac, Advancement and Alumni Relations Office

Meredith Duhe, Advancement and Alumni Relations Office

Cissy Yakelis, Ladies of the Shield Coordinator

2023 Holiday Home Tour Registration

Registration for this event has closed. Tickets are available to purchase at the door.