Help spread the word about Martin Madness 2023 on your personal Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Sharing your stories, memories, favorite faces, and places are what make the difference in inspiring your people to join in on Martin Madness 2023! Throwback pics, selfies, current pictures of you and fellow Crusader alumni are all great ways to share the Crusader spirit on Martin Madness 2023!
Be sure to include #GiveBrotherMartin in your posts so others can see them!
Don’t miss out! On March 22nd to 23rd join @bmhscrusaders for Martin Madness 2023 to prepare young men “not only to make a living, but to make a life.” Head to and help make an impact in the lives of today’s Crusaders.
Today is the day! Head to now to give. @bmhscrusaders Martin Madness 2023 is the perfect chance to prepare young men “not only to make a living, but to make a life.” Gifts of ALL sizes will directly make an impact in the lives of today’s Crusaders.
GIVE NOW! Head to to prepare young men “not only to make a living, but to make a life.” Show support for the Crusader person or place that made your high school years special. I gave to Martin Madness 2023 because_______________.
I’m proud to be a Brother Martin alumnus participating in Martin Madness 2023. We need 850 donors to make a gift of any amount. Let’s prepare young men “not only to make a living, but to make a life.”
I’m proud to be a Brother Martin parent participating in Martin Madness 2023. We need 850 donors to make a gift of any amount. Let’s prepare young men “not only to make a living, but to make a life.”
I’m proud to be a Brother Martin grandparent participating in Martin Madness 2023! We need 850 donors to make a gift of any amount. Let’s prepare young men “not only to make a living, but to make a life.”
My favorite Brother Martin memory is ___________. Today I gave to Martin Madness 2023 to prepare young men “not only to make a living, but to make a life.” We have 24 hours to make it happen!