Former Crusader Times Writer Makes His Mark at Baylor

Amando Dominick ’11 has landed a student job as a staff writer for The Baylor Lariat at Baylor University in Waco,TX.  His most recent story regarding the bomb threat at LSU has achieved front page placement.  In it, he interviewed Aaron Schiler ’11 who is now a Sophomore at LSU.  Amando has written a few other stories for The Lariat that have gone to press, but this is the first one to get front page placement.

At Brother Martin, Amando won one of the two journalism awards given to seniors at graduation. Amando was the Managing Editor for The Crusader Times for the 2010-2011 school year and wrote for the paper as well.  One of his photographs won Third Place in competition at the Tom Bell Silver Scribe Competition at Loyola University in the spring of his senior year.

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