Brother Martin held its annual Fine Arts Festival this week in the Ridgley Center. The Crusader Chorus performed selections, including Randall Thompson’s “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”, adapted from Robert Frost’s poem. The Dionysians’ performances included a chilling scene from the upcoming Dead Man Walking as well as lighter fare in the zany humor of the Improv Troupe. Four students read from original writings, including Ben Zahn’s second place essay winner entry in the Big Read’s A Lesson Before Dying contest, the villanelles of Robbie Borrello and Matthew Chambers, and Raymond Price’s short story “Temps Perdu.” Guests moved upstairs to view original artwork on display in the Art Room and then enjoyed solo and group performances in the band room, including Beau Bujol’s flute performance of Cecile Chaminade’s “Concertino” and Chris Moran’s snare drum sensation, John Wooton’s “Africa Hot.” The night concluded with impressive percussion group and jazz band selections. Thank you to all of the artists, actors, and performers who bring the fine arts to life at Brother Martin!
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