Faculty, Students Prepare for Once-in-a-Lifetime Solar Eclipse

solar-eclipse_A much-anticipated total eclipse of the sun will occur across the continental United States on Monday, August 21, 2017. This once-in-a-lifetime event has not happened since 1918. Although Brother Martin High School is south of the complete blackout zone, the school will still experience a partial solar eclipse. The solar eclipse should provide all faculty members with many opportunities to teach students about Earth, the sun, and most importantly, the wonder of God’s creation.

Here is what Dean of Students Michael Lynn told families, faculty and students:

At Brother Martin High School, the solar eclipse will begin at 11:57 a.m. and end at 2:57 p.m. Maximum coverage will occur at 1:29 p.m.

Beginning at 11:00 a.m., the TV screen and projection screen in the Benson Mall will show the live feed coverage from NASA. NASA TV’s online broadcast will feature images and video of the eclipse from telescopes, spacecraft, aircraft, high altitude balloons, and from the International Space Station. Additionally, the Library will show the live feed coverage with audio from 11:00 a.m. until the eclipse ends. Science classes will spend some of their class period discussing the solar eclipse and viewing the NASA TV online broadcast.

This exciting event brings with it a unique set of challenges that we must face in order to keep your son(s) safe. In an effort to keep our students safe, Brother Martin High School will follow the safety directives from the Archdiocese of New Orleans.

Students who wish to view the solar eclipse during their unstructured period must provide their own proper protective eye glasses. If your son is not unstructured during the solar eclipse, he can receive permission from the Discipline and Attendance Office to view the eclipse for 10 minutes. In addition to protective eye glasses, students must also bring the signed permission form with them to the Discipline and Attendance Office on or before Monday, August 21, 2017. Since looking directly at the sun during the solar eclipse can cause serious eye damage or even blindness, students will not be allowed to access the Backyard unless they have protective eye glasses and the signed permission form. Please refer to the American Astronomical Society (AAS) Reputable Vendors of Solar Filters & Viewers page for a list of manufacturers and authorized dealers of eclipse glasses and handheld solar viewers verified to be compliant with the ISO 12312-2 international safety standard for such products.

Students will not be allowed to use the Backyard to switch classes. We will implement our “Rainy Day” procedure that calls for students to use the Conlin Gymnasium to travel to and from the Ridgley Center. To travel to and from the Meyer Building, students will travel outdoors under the covered breezeway on the first floor and covered bridge on the second floor. Students will be instructed to not look directly at the sun as they travel to and from the Meyer Building.

P.E. classes will remain indoors for the duration of the eclipse (periods 3-8). P.E. teachers will have class in the Conlin Gymnasium, St. Aloysius Gymnasium, and in the weight room.

Outside practices and activities will not be allowed until the full eclipse has passed at 2:57 p.m. Varsity coaches will hold meetings or utilize the Conlin Gymnasium, St. Aloysius Gymnasium, or weight room for practices until the school day ends at 3:06 p.m.

Out of season varsity athletes will not be able to leave campus during 8th period. They will be required to attend a mandatory meeting in the auditorium with Mr. Mark Wisniewski, Director of Athletics.

We look forward to sharing this once-in-a-lifetime experience with your son(s). Please contact me if you have any questions. 

Michael Lynn, mlynn@brothermartin.com


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