Crusaders Represent at LASC Convention

This past weekend, Brother Martin Student Council members attended the Louisiana Association of Student Council convention at East Jefferson High School. The Crusaders had 12 delegates attend who put on a five minute skit and campaigned for Brother Martin. Brother Martin was elected President for LASC. Brad Giacone was the Crusader representative and will be the state, regional, and national representative for the next year. This was the first time Brother Martin ran for the position on the state level.

The Crusader Student Council also took home the following awards:

  • Gold Council Award
  • Mega Bucks Award
  • Council of the Week Award

The delegates who represented Brother Martin are:

Ken Newburger
Paul Marcello
Brandon Demarest
Brad Giacone
Michael Maldonado
Donald Davis
Mac Taylor
David Trepagnier
David Browning
Jesus Carias
Justin Daws
Jonathan Cranfield