Crusader Band Performs a Holiday Sampler at Christmas Concert

copy-of-img_2603On Wednesday, December 7, members of the Crusader Band, under the direction of Mr. Dominick Caronna ’85 and Mr. Chris Bailey ’86, welcomed guests to their “Annual Christmas Concert” held in the Robert M. Conlin Gymnasium at Brother Martin. Crusaders from the Novice, Symphonic, and Concert Bands put on their “Santa hats” and smiles to perform a variety of seasonal pieces. The Symphonic Band performed Christmas songs such as “Christmas Canon” by Michael Green, “Twenty Carols in Two Minutes” by Mark Williams, and many more. Through their instruments, the Novice Band played “Christmas Joy,”a score by John O’Reilly, and  ‘jingled all the way’ with their performance of “Jingle Bells,” a Christmas favorite which was the first song broadcasted from space on December 16, 1965.

Dreams of having a snow day in New Orleans was brought to life under the direction of Dominick Caronna ‘85 and the Concert Band by creating the feeling of  an icy wonderland through their performance of a “Snow Day Celebration” by Allan Stein. The Concert Band also performed songs such as “Semper Fidelis,” “Silent Night,” and a “Christmas Celebration.” At the conclusion of the program, Mr. Caronna and Mrs. Bailey presented Mr. Ian Wright with a plaque for his service during the first half of the school year as student- teacher.

Merry Christmas to all and “may your days be merry and bright” from the Crusader Band!

Click here for Concert Program