Computer Science Students Program Autonomous Robots

Freshmen in the Digital Media elective have spent this quarter learning about robotics using the text-based programming language ROBOTC along with LEGO MINDSTORMS kits. Beginning with the basic principles of motors and programming, these students worked as teams to complete activities that demonstrated an understanding of simple engineering and computer science concepts. The Digital Media class stresses the need for partners to collaborate on projects and utilize pair programming. Last month, the students were challenged to navigate their robots through a slalom course. Their final project of the quarter has students combine their knowledge of while loops, Boolean logic and sensors to build an autonomous robot that moves freely around the room and avoids potential obstacles.

Digital Media is an elective in the Computer Science Department that introduces students in the course to topics further explored in the upper-level computer science courses offered to juniors and seniors. To learn more about each of these courses, please visit our Computer Science Department’s webpage:

Digital Media Robotics
Digital Media Robotics
Digital Media Robotics
Digital Media Robotics
Digital Media Robotics
Digital Media Robotics
Digital Media Robotics
Digital Media Robotics
Digital Media Robotics
Digital Media Robotics
Digital Media Robotics

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