Bowlers Advance

DSC01149Congratulations to the Bowling Team for their 24.5 to 2.5 victory over Bonnabel in Round 2 of the Regional Tournament. With a number 1 seed, the Crusaders had a bye for the first round. Bowlers with high games were: Chad Naccari-201, Jeff Fernandez-205, Josh Perelli-236, Victor Earl-236, Ryan Henderson-210 & 211, Austin Bouligny-205 & 223, and Kyle Schneider-200 & 227. Max Oertling threw 215, 222 & 278 for a 715 series. This big win moves the Crusaders into Bi-Regional play next Thursday in Kenner.

Also, the following Varsity bowlers were named to the New Orleans All-District Teams: On District 1 First Team – Ryan Henderson, Austin Bouligny, Jeff Fernandez, Victor Earl, and Max Oertling. On District 1 Second Team – Kyle Schneider. Named as a Co-MVP for District 1 is Ryan Henderson. Congratulations, Crusaders.