Academic Games Participates in National Competition

DSC_6657Four members of our Academic Games team traveled to Knoxville, Tennessee, to participate in the 2018 Academic Games National Tournament, which took place at the Knoxville Convention Center over a period of four days. Team members Kyle Borde ’22, Evan DeCastro ’21, Logan Millet ’22 and Landin Sanborn ’22 represented Brother Martin and the New Orleans Academic Games League in Equations, On-Sets, Propaganda and Presidents competitions.

Sanborn was on a team that placed fourth overall in Presidents and third in On-Sets. Individually, Sanborn was one of ten perfect scorers in the Middle Division in On-Sets which advanced him to the playoffs. He won his semifinal match and moved on to the final match consisting of him and two opponents. The final match went down to a sudden death tiebreaker between Sanborn and one other player. He may have lost the tiebreaker, but Landin Sanborn is the second best Middle Division On-Sets player in the nation for 2018. The entire team would like to thank everyone for their encouragement and support all year long!