8th Grade Morning Prayer for January 10, 2018

Caleb Molina 2022Students in Ms. Scott’s 8th and 9th grade English classes have the important responsibility of composing and leading their classroom prayers each day. Most recently, students have composed prayers inspired by their self-reflection at the start of the new semester.

At the beginning of each class period, our students and teachers begin in prayer together as a class. However, every morning, before the first tone of the academic day our school community joins together in prayer with a daily morning prayer from various student volunteers. “One of the things that makes each Brothers of the Sacred Heart school truly Catholic is prayer. Students are given varied and regular experiences of prayer. The prayer life of the school has many purposes: it teaches students how to pray, it enables them to participate more fully in the Church’s liturgy, it gives them a means of reflecting on their lives, and it fosters a close and enlightened relationship between them and God,” derived from Brother Martin’s Educational Mission and Ministry. This morning, January 10, 8th grader Caleb Molina recited and shared his prayer over our PA system to start our day together in prayer as a school community.

Let us call to mind that we are in God’s presence as we pray… In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.


Lord, please help us strengthen our faith in you, for through you we can accomplish anything in life. Help us turn to you when we are having trouble with our schoolwork, or when we are having difficulties at home, or especially when we feel lonely and lost. Help us find you when we are taking tests and completing assignments. Help us find you in activities that we are forced to participate in but that we do not especially like. For without you in our life, we are empty and helpless. We pray for these things in your name… Amen.


Ametur Cor JesuLoved be the Heart of Jesus.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Thank you to Caleb Molina ’22 and Ms. Scott for sharing this morning prayer with our Brother Martin Community!