2016 Alumni Band Reunion & Performance

img_5100Members of the Brother Martin band community gathered for the annual reunion and performance last week.  On Thursday alumni band members met in the Prof. Taverna Band Room, socialized and rehearsed.  On Friday, November 4, 2016 began with a Tailgate Party outside of Zephyr Stadium before the Brother Martin vs. Jesuit football game.  Alumni, family and friends headed into the stadium and after some initial logistical challenges, settled in for the game.  The Alumni Band joined the Crusader Band in some numbers and performed a few of their own as the Crusaders defeated Jesuit 28-10.  Rhen and Kraig de Lanzac ’86 along with other alumni and family ensured a successful event.  Chris Bailey ’86, Dominic Caronna ’85, David Connick ’88, Michael Connick ’81, Kraig de Lanzac ’86, Mike Hotstream ’90, Gavin Labourdette ’10, Frank McCaskell ’81 and Mark Messina ’06 served on the committee.

Gold Sponsors

Kraig de Lanzac ’86
Michael Riley Smith ’16

Crimson Sponsors

Berrigan Family – Matthew Berrigan ’16
David Connick ’88Michael Connick ’81
Craig Macaluso Photography – Basil Macaluso ’16
Frank McCaskell ’81

Crusader Sponsors

Kurt Engelhardt ’78
Steve Hart ’81
David Horos ’83
Paul Pati ’88 – Pules Home Health Care
Pete Schneckenburger ’14