The Brother Martin Dionysians (Drama Club) are celebrating Christmas in February as they prepare for their production of It’s a Wonderful Life, a drama adapted by Doug Rand from the screenplay by Frances Goodrich, Albert Hackett, Frank Capra, and Jo Swerling.
This beloved American holiday classic focuses on George Bailey and his family of Bedford Falls, NY who were once part of the ‘Greatest Generation.’ In the play, George faces financial ruin and considers himself unlucky in life and in business. He even contemplates committing suicide on Christmas Eve because he may be arrested for the loss of funds in his business. Then, George meets a guardian angel named Clarence, who still needs to acquire his wings. As a result, he shows George his beloved town of Bedford Falls and what life would have been like without him. Eventually, he helps George see how empty life would have been if he were not there, and how he has touched the lives of so many other people. Does Clarence receive his wings? Can George realize that he has had a wonderful life?
Find out this week!
All performances will be in the Auditorium on campus.
Ticket Prices:
Tickets can be purchased at the door. Please enter the school through the Conlin Gymnasium entrance on Stephen Girard Ave. For further ticket information, please email Mr. David Joyner via email at