Where were you on September 30, 2014? What about on September 30, 2013? 2012? And, what does it matter? September 30 is the anniversary date of the founding of the Brothers of the Sacred Heart. On that day in 1821, ten men climbed a hill in Lyons, France, to profess vows as the first Brothers. Attracted by the faith, courage, and good sense of a young priest, Father André Coindre, they answered a call by God to leave everything to follow Jesus and to respond to the plight of poor, abandoned, young boys in post-Revolutionary France.
Is there someone you know who has the heart, but needs a push, an invitation from you, to pursue such a call? Or are you one who is being called to embrace the life of a Brother? Could you muster the courage for yourself of to invite or encourage such an alum, possibly even a classmate, to seriously discern a vocation and respond to God’s invitation?
Where might you be next September 30, 2015? Possibly with us as a Brother? The world, the Church and we need you. But most importantly, young people need you.
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