Relatives of Brother Martin Hernandez, S.C. Visit Brother Martin

Relatives of Brother Martin Hernandez, S.C. visited campus in mid-October. Brother Martin’s niece, Karen Melancon Loupe (the daughter of Brother Martin’s sister, Joyce Hernandez Melancon) along with her husband, Donald Loupe, visited with their daughters, Lisa Chiasson, Maria Barbier, and Christina Prather. Christina’s husband, Eric, and their son, Egan, also joined the group and toured campus, shared stories and took photos. Christina, referring to her mother, said, “She absolutely adored the desk and loved the salute of her uncle (Brother Martin Hernandez, S.C.).”  She added, “He was an amazing man and will always hold a special place in our hearts. I’m sure you hear that a lot because of his kindness and willingness to lend a helping hand.”   


L to R: Egan Prather, Donald Loupe, Karen Melancon Loupe, Lisa Loupe Chiasson, Maria Loupe Barbier, Christina Prather, and Eric Prather



Brother Martin Hernandez Family Visit
Brother Martin Hernandez Family Visit
Brother Martin Hernandez Family Visit
Brother Martin Hernandez Family Visit
Brother Martin Hernandez Family Visit

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