Register Today for the 2019 Crusader Cheer Clinic!

Does your son or daughter love to cheer and have the ‘spirit’? Then register them to participate in the 2019 Brother Martin Cheer Clinic! This clinic is open to boys and girls that are 4-15 years old. This fun-filled opportunity will have participants learning cheers and stunts from our very own Brother Martin cheerleaders. The practice clinic will occur on Thursday, September 26, 2019, from 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. in the Conlin Gymnasium.  Registration forms are available below or under “Quick Links - Downloads” section on the front page of the website. Walk-up registration will also be available on September 26th.

Participants will showcase their newly learned skills on the sideline during halftime at Brother Martin vs. Jesuit football game on Friday, September 27, 2019, at Tad Gormley Stadium. The cost is $40 which includes a t-shirt and participant’s admission to the game.

Please pre-register via mail or email to or register at the door on Thursday, September 26th by 5:25 p.m. For further information on the clinic, please contact the Office of Student Services at (504) 283- 1561(ext. 3336).

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