Parent Invitation to Senior Class Level Masses

DSC00887Brother Martin High School strives to offer different prayer and liturgy experiences for our students. In addition to our monthly school-wide liturgies, we also have smaller, class-size liturgies. Our seniors will celebrate Mass together over the next few school days in their religion classes. The seniors will have their religion class Mass in the James B. Branton Chapel. We would like to invite the families of the seniors to their son’s class Mass. The Masses have been scheduled through the senior religion classes with the senior religion teachers, Mr. Bill Gallagher and Mrs. Judy Rodriguez, and are listed below.

We realize that these Masses occur during the work day, but we wanted to give you the opportunity to worship with your son with his religion class in the Branton Chapel if your schedule allows. Please know that any family members are welcomed.

The class Masses are as follows:

Wednesday, March 20 (Test Prep Schedule)

Mr. Gallagher’s Period 2 Religion Class: 8:48 – 9:33 AM

Mr. Gallagher’s Period 5 Religion Class: 11:53 AM.-12:38 PM

Friday, March 22 (Regular Schedule):

Mr. Gallagher’s Period 1 Religion Class: 8:00-8:50 AM

Mr. Gallagher’s Period 6 Religion Class: 12:30-1:20 PM

Monday, March 25 (Regular Schedule)

Mrs. Rodriguez’s Period 3 Religion Class: 9:46-10-10:36AM

Mrs. Rodriguez’s Period 4 Religion Class: 10:39-11:29 AM

Tuesday, March 26 (Regular Schedule)

Mrs. Rodriguez’s Period 7 Religion Class: 1:23-2:13 PM

Mrs. Rodriguez’s Period 8 Religion Class: 2:16-3:06 PM