NJROTC Celebrates at the 50th Annual Military Ball

DSC_0046On Saturday April 1, over 100 Cadets from Brother Martin’s NJROTC Crusader Company gathered with their dates and honored guests celebrating the 50th Annual Military Ball. The evening started with the introduction of the official event and the crowning of the Company Queen, Miss Madison Vise. Miss Vise attends Ursuline Academy and was nominated by Cadet Commander Emmanuel Guillot ‘17. Additional members of the court included Miss Christine Chauvin of Mount Carmel Academy and Miss Isabel Costa of Ursuline Academy. The Crusader Company was also privileged to welcome honored guests, Mr. Greg Brown ‘80, Gunnery Sgt. Jonathan Autin ‘98 of the Marine Corps and Army Sgt. Carlos Paiz ‘01.

After a formal introduction, T.J. Burgess ‘20, who is the youngest Cadet, presented a cake to guests. In keeping with tradition, the Company Commander and the Company Queen made the first cut with the Commander’s sword offering the first piece to the youngest Cadet. The ceremony highlighted the traditions and customs of the Military Ball similar to those celebrated by all Armed Services throughout the world.

Cadets and guests then broke from the formality of the ceremony to enjoy a great meal, entertainment and dancing. The Crusader Company is also celebrating its 50th year as one of the oldest Navy JROTC programs in the country. The new staff is looking forward to continue the traditions set down by each class and growing the program to become stronger each year.

The NJROTC program is under the guidance of Cmdr. Bruce Nolan ‘90, US Navy (Retired) and Chief Petty Officer Terry Necaise, US Navy (Retired). On Tuesday, April 11 at 2:30 p.m., the Crusader Company will hold their annual Annual Change of Command and Awards Ceremony in the Backyard. Family, friends and alumni are welcome to attend in celebration of a great year!