Message from Principal Gallagher to Parents re: Corona Virus

Following the emergence of Coronavirus (COVID19), we are working diligently to keep our school community as safe as possible out of an abundance of caution. 

Medical experts and disease professionals have emphasized that maintaining good hygiene and staying away from school or work when ill are critical to keeping our community as healthy as possible. In order to assist in promoting good hygiene, we are reminding our students and faculty through announcements of the importance of washing hands thoroughly and consistently after using restrooms and before and after eating meals; we have also placed a number of resources on our Schoology page for student and faculty access, which you can find using the links below. Print resources from the CDC have been posted throughout our campus emphasizing the importance of practicing good hygiene as well.     

We currently have a number of hand-sanitizing stations located throughout campus, and we are in the process of adding more manual hand sanitizer pumps in various locations. We are also encouraging our students and faculty to carry their own personal hand sanitizers to school. Our facilities staff consistently sanitizes our campus buildings, including common areas and classrooms, and our medical support staff routinely disinfects our locker rooms and weight room.     

We are asking for your assistance in the following ways: 

  • Please keep your son home if he is sick.
  • If your family has traveled abroad recently, please contact the Discipline & Attendance Office via email or phone so that we are aware.

There are many resources available with information about COVID19 and methods for prevention. Below are a few that you may find useful. 

LA Office of Public Health (local resource, updated regularly)

CDC Fact Sheet

CDC CoronaVirus Main Page

Fortunately, there have been no reported cases so far in Louisiana. We will continue to monitor this situation and act in accordance with local officials. We continue to pray for the safety of our school community as well as those throughout the world whose lives have been affected by this virus.

If you have additional questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. As always, we thank you for your continued partnership. 


Ryan Gallagher '00

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