LHSLL Recognizes Lacrosse Players

DSC_7266 (2)Congratulations to the following members of the lacrosse team for making South District Honors in
the 2017 Louisiana High School Lacrosse League (LHSLL):

First Team All-District:
#23  Noah Velez  ’18 – Attack
#18  Jackson Schneider ’18 – Defense
#16  Drew Dodd  ’19 – FOGO(Face Off – Get Off)
#29  Chase Mountain ’18 – LSM (Long Stick Midfielder)

Second Team All-District:
#17  Nicholas Benedetto ’17- Attack
#30  Patrick Willis  ’17 –  Midfielder
#14  Dylan Mattio ’17 – Midfielder
#48  Jacob Bodino  ’19 -Goalie

Honorable Mention:
#37  Stephen Kimble ’17- Midfielder

Congratulations, Crusaders!

Click here for full varsity roster