Brother Martin High School is pleased to announce that Reverend Paul S. Hart, Brother Martin High School Class of 1970, has been appointed by Archbishop Gregory M. Aymond ’67 CJ as Chaplain at Brother Martin beginning with the 2017-2018 school year. Fr. Paul currently serves as Director of Retreats at St. Joseph Abbey, work that he will continue in addition to his ministry at Brother Martin. Fr. Paul has been a steady presence on our campus for many years, ministering to our students in a variety of ways in conjunction with our Campus Ministry team and Religion department, namely through his presence at liturgies, retreats, and reconciliation. Fr. Paul has also been an avid supporter of our athletics programs, attending games and presiding over team masses in years past. As Chaplain, Fr. Paul will work as a member of our Campus Ministry team by assisting at class level retreats, hearing confession on days of reconciliation on campus, and celebrating school-wide liturgies, to name just a few of the ministries in which he will serve. When Fr. Paul is on our campus, he makes an instant connection with our students because of his genuine interest in their lives, and because of his passion for and dedication to Brother Martin High School and the Brothers of the Sacred Heart. Please help us in welcoming Reverend Paul Hart in his new role as Chaplain.