Dionysians Present “Zombie Prom”

Zombie Prom Poster (Color)The Brother Martin Dionysians are preparing for their “spooktacular” spring production of Zombie Prom!

The play follows Jonny Warner (Grant Strohmeyer ‘17), a new student at Enrico Fermi High School, who quickly falls in love with school sweetheart, Toffee (Hedi Lichtl). Concerned for their daughter’s education and upstanding reputation, Toffee’s parents vehemently forbid her to see Jonny ever again. Naive of the consequences, Toffee ends the strong relationship with Jonny. Struck with grief, Jonny attempts the unthinkable and jumps into the town’s nuclear power plant! Heartbroken, Toffee morns Johnny’s death and cries out to him in pain.  Moved by her love, Johnny rises from the dead to win back Toffee and finish high school. However, the school’s spartan principal, Miss Strict (Sabrina Hibben), will do anything to keep Johnny away from Toffee and graduating from high school, even if it means cancelling the senior prom.

Will Toffee take Jonny back?  Will Jonny be allowed to graduate?  Or will senior prom have to be cancelled?

Find out on this week! See you there, and beware of the undead!


  • Thursday, April 28th – 7:30 p.m.
  • Saturday, May 1st– 2:30 p.m. & 7:30 p.m.
  • Sunday, May 1st – 7:30 p.m. (Final performance)

Admission is $10 at the door and $12 for reserved seating. 

Tickets can be purchased at the door. For further ticket information, please email Mr. David Joyner at djoyner@brothermartin.com.

Johnson_Cameron521Submitted by Cameron Johnson ’19 (News Writer- Crusader Correspondents)